Friday, 09 January 2009

Tintin outed

This is pretty damn funny - Of course Tintin's gay. Ask Snowy

I've never thought much of Tintin. The stories are completely unrealistic.

You can say what you like about Asterix and Obelix, but if you accept the premise of magic potion pretty much everything that they get up to is feasible.

SA Roadlink

Not to seem to make light of the ridiculously unnecessary loss of life due to the recent bus accidents, but SA Roadlink being in the news recently brought to mind those ads they used to flight on TV going on about how advanced their busses are.

But did anyone else notice the language all the controls were in? It looked like Portuguese!

No wonder these drivers seem to "lose control" of the bus, although that's always seemed to me to be an excuse for driving too fast for the conditions. Or my other favourite "the brakes failed" - of course they did when you were driving to fast to go round a bend and the brakes overheated.

And now I see TV ads for Greyhound- smart advertising or taking advantage of others' misfortune? (And not a word of Portuguese in sight.)


Groundhog day

Ah, the irony of my last post. After extolling the virtues of working from home, it's now become one of the reasons I'm changing jobs again (although not the main one).

Although I enjoyed the experience for the first 4/5 months, the sense of isolation from the rest of the team started getting to me. I thought I'd eventually adjust to it but in fact it got worse.

It's been a good personal learning experience though, I've tried it and know that working from home for extended periods is not for me. Looking forward to working in an office again (although if I have the option to work from home on the occasional day that would be good - we'll see).

I'm not looking forward to traffic again though.

You really do have to have a particular type of mentality to work on your own, with limited interaction with other people. I thought I was that kind of person, but obviously not.

So here I am, one year on and doing the same thing I was at this time last year, working out my last couple of weeks and starting a new job at the beginning of February. Groundhog Day indeed!