I watched Dreamgirls this evening, and have to wonder what all the fuss was about.
The story was predictable, the performances (with the exception of Eddie Murphy) lightweight, and it couldn’t make up its mind whether it was a drama or a musical.
And as for the woman who won best supporting actress at this year’s Oscars, well she certainly can sing but that’s no reason to give her an acting award. Isn’t that what the Grammys are for?
I don't know. When I see a title like Dreamgirls I think Lindsay Lohan and would expect something empty. But I checked IMDB and apparently this is a story about some people overcoming adversity to achieve their dreams. Again.
Plus, I think there's a rule now in the oscars where you have to give at least one award to a black person in every movie.
You wouldn't be implying that the awarding of Oscars is influenced by political correctness would you?
Sad thing is there are those black actors who truly deserve Oscars but haven't been awarded them. Samuel L Jackson for one.
Well, isn't everything these days?
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